Takes My Breath Away

Life is not measured

 by the number of breaths we take,

 but by the number of moments

 that takes our breath away..


Such a beautiful poem by an unknown author.  
It's very true that Life is not measured
by the breaths we take, 
but by the moments that 
takes our breath away.  

This lovely butterfly halter top
takes your breath away.
Made by Grumble is called
Summer Butterfly Purple 
and these cute wedge heels called
Beach Platforms.

Deep purple with artistic
butterfly design will go 
great with shorts, pants, or like the 
short mini skirt I'm wearing 
with a side split.

Both the Summer Butterfly Purple top and
Beach Platform shoes can be
purchased at the 

Make sure to mark your calendar for
August 8th, 2015 for the 
fashion show schedule to start at 11:00 A.M. SLT


Top: Grumble - Summer Butterfly Purple
Shoes: Grumble - Beach Platforms

Skirt: Stars Fashion - Jayden Skirt

Jewelry: Eclectica - Spring Pearls Set

Belly Ring: Glint Jewelry - Triple Diamond 


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