Crazy Cat...

Ghee exclusive for May Designer Showcase is Connie Pants & Connie Tops Fatpack.
Both are sold separately.  Buy matching top & pants or mix and match them.

Sizing for Connie Pants & Tops: Freya, Hourglass, Maitreya, Physique, & TCurvy.
Eleven beauty textures to pick and chose.

This cute bento pose is from the Jess Poses & Poses called Assise Cat.
Cat is included with the pose.


Top: Ghee - Connie Pants Fatpack
Pants: Ghee - Connie Pants Fatpack

Event: Designer Showcase

Pose: Jess Poses & Poses - Assise Cat Bento

Hair: DOUX - Bianca Hairstyle

Rings: *Kate* Jewelry & Accessories - Boho Rings Collection

Necklace: Elle Boutique - Adoria Necklace

Bracelet: VALUXIA - Azeline

Shoes: Pure Poison - Katrina Sandals


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