Money, Money, Money..

"Amorie" Face & Body Skin and Shape by 7 Deadly S[K]ins exclusive at Designer Showcase.  
Six beautiful Shades 
Omega Applier

"Avery Boots" a KiB Designs exclusive are at Designer Showcase too.  
Mesh sizes for Freya, Hourglass, Physique, Venus and Maitreya Feet.
12 Hud controlled textures


Skin & Shape: 7 Deadly Skins - Amorie (Face & Body) 6 shades Omega
Boots: KiB Designs - Avery Boots (Freya, HG, Phy, Ven, Mait feet)12 tex
Event: Designer Showcase
Hair: No.Match - No Class
Eye Lid: Revoul. - EM Palette 
Underwear: Erratic - Fiona


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